Well, with just 15 days and counting until Christmas I've gotten everything bought, wrapped and under the tree. Except for 3 more gifts to buy and 1 to get mailed. Not too bad, huh?
I've seen a couple interesting things while out and about. I thought I'd share them with you. First one, was seen this morning on the way to drop Lukey off at school. I was behind a Toyota Avalon that had huge dents on both the L and R side just above the bumper. The lady was applying mascara (while driving) and her personalized license plate said: " N A RUSH"....obviously!
Second, I saw this. It's 20F and "misting" outside here today and I saw this middle school girl walking into her school with a short-sleeved shirt on. No coat, hat, scarf or gloves. Does this girl have parents (that care)?
Have you ever noticed how no matter how cold it is outside (even sub-zero temps) and the Salvation Army guy is always ringing that darn bell to fill his red donation can. Do they REALLY make that much w/those cans? Just curious.
I've posted a couple pic's of our Annual Family Christmas dinner sponsored by Poppa. This year's festivities took place at yummy Salt Grass Steak House. Thanks Poppa, the pumpkin cheesecake ROCKED!
Also, I've included a couple pic's of Luke building his Gingerbread man house. This was the highlight of his day. He's been carrying around his "GIGANTIC" (his word for all) Candy Canes. He wants to sleep with them and everything.
Your gingerbread house looks fantastic. Take a peak over at ours. What a beautiful family you have...how is Carolyn doing?
Happy Holly-daze!!
LOVE the gingerbread house!!!!
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