April 2006
As you can see, we don't have the best track record when it comes to visiting Mall Santa's and Easter Bunnys........Until Now. Luke did perfect yest. even saying, "I want to go see Sanna Cwaus". So, after that admission we were off to the mall. We met cuzzin Beau and had a grand ole' time. Both boys were so excited to get to sit on Santa's lap. If you want to see the picture of both of them on the Big Guys lap click on my sister in laws blog link (Amber and Jeff). There you will see the "Duke Boys" (Luke and Beau) in all their holiday glory. Luke told Santa he wanted "toys" for Christmas. How very non-specific of him. Hope Santa can decipher which one's he's referring to. Beau told Santa he wanted, "books and puzzle". Now there's a boy who knows what he wants. Hope you enjoy these pic's as much as I did. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...........everywhere you go...blah blah blah! P.S. The Santa at Stonebriar Mall in Frisco, TX ROCKS! They ship him in every year from the North Pole.....er, I mean CO.
Great picture this year!! And how is it that Santa comes to Frisco??
Awesome! Finally! Must have been the practice he got with the redneck 2 bearded santa! wink
Gotta LOVE the screamin' Santa pics!!! I have one of those.
:( Poor baby!
How grown up he looks!! The screaming ones are cute, too, especially now that they are over, right?
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