For those of you not from Texas, we have a saying round these parts. If you don't like the weather here, stick around 24 hours it'll change. Welcome to TX. If you'll noticed 2 days ago we were in shorts. Here's what we woke up to this morning. 3 inches of snow. So, Luke and I decided to get out and play, make snow angels, build a snowman and throw snowballs at the neighbors while they headed to work (Sorry, Scott). This is the first time Luke's ever seen snow in person. It never snows here so today is fun. We went over to Poppa and Nana's house so that Luke could build a snowman with Beau. All Luke wanted to do was put the carrot nose on and all Beau wanted to do was knock the snowman's head off...TWICE!
We had fun though. The snow has all melted already.
How funny! I have pictures that look exactly like these! Isn't it fun to see how excited they are about their first snow? Pure joy and excitement!
I'm so jealous. We never get snow in San Antonio. I miss the occasional snow fall that the Dallas Ft. Worth area gets.
Glad you and Luke had fun.
I can tell that you live in the south and not the north. How? You write I love snow. We would never do that here in Iowa! Especially Iowa in March! We are tired of snow by now. Although, we are supposed to get 1-3 more inches of the lovely white stuff tonight.
Thanks for playing in the snow with my baby! It looks like he and cuzin Luke had a blast! I'm glad I have pics to look at.....
It looks like a Winter Wonderland there in McKinney! Man..I wish it had snowed here.
Looks like fun! Too bad we didn't get a single snowflake in our part of Arlington... :(
How cool!
You are a much better Mom than me - you were actually smiling IN THE SNOW!
Blech!! :)
just kidding - i like to play with them, justhate the bein' cold part!
tell me about it. we got off the plane on monday- and it was 78 and humid-
then on tuesday morning, it was 40!
i remember times when it snowed in march growing up.
Hey girlfriend!
How are you? Have missed your bloggin'!
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