I've designed this pendant so that you can slide your own photos (2 max) between the glass on the side. Great for quick picture change outs. Never get tired of the same ole' pic. Great Mother's Day gift. Just email me if you're interested. Please note my new email address is: casaderice@att.net

Licorice Twizzler couch fishin...new past time created by Luke today. See him reelin' in the big pretend fish. He's a hoot.
Creative little guy. He used his little plastic cross to create this playdoh masterpiece. I think he's quite artistic, don't you? Yest., he asked me why we nailed Jesus to a cross. I was at a loss for what to tell him. Any ideas?
Licorice Twizzler couch fishin...new past time created by Luke today. See him reelin' in the big pretend fish. He's a hoot.
If you've made it to my blog via My Semblance Of Sanity, thanks for stopping by. If you're a regular reader, I'm glad you're here too. Please note the above "Insert Your Own Photo" pendant that is now avail. It is lead-free solder with sterling silver alloys. Shines up real pretty.
Enough business, it's pleasure time. Today, I had quite a few interesting conversations with Luke. The first one was a discussion about all the friends that God has blessed him with. We talked and thought about all his friends. We named them by name. When we got to Beau he said, "No, Beau's my cuzzin...but he's my friend too". Then after an exhaustive list of names I asked him if Nana and Poppa's dog Abby is his friend. His response, "No, HE (it's a she) isn't my friend, HE doesn't have any hands or legs" "He just has toes". So, glad we cleared that up. Be forewarned, as a prerequisite to be Luke's friend you MUST have hands AND legs, not just toes. The rest of you got lucky.
Then, off to WalMart when Luke "felt me up" in the middle of the frozen food aisle. He rubbed my chest and said, "Mommy, you have babies in your belly?" as he rubbed my breasts. I said, "Honey, that's not my belly and I really don't want you touching me there." "This is my belly" (as I pointed to my stomach). He said, "Ok, those are your elbows" (again touching my breasts). The lady passing by busted out laughing. As did I. Whatdayado, right?
We got home from the store and I was told that because I yelled at Luke I "scared his feelings". Not hurt them, but scared them. Too funny.
As you all know, Luke has an affinity to carrying around favorite objects. Every month it's a new object. Last month, since it was February he carried valentine's cards around. Slept with them and everything. Well, since it's March Easter eggs are the hot holding item of the month. He's been carrying around four boiled eggs that he dyed at school yest. The dye was wearing off and he kept turning everything he touched blue. Because we have a rule in our house that if a toy is broken it has to be thrown in the trash, my plan to rid our house of boiled eggs was set in motion. We were sitting at the table and he was playing with some playdoh. His one last egg (that hadn't been broken) was sitting there. I waited until he wasn't looking and I "accidently"tapped it sending it rolling off the table on to the floor. "Uh, oh I said". Luke looked at me and said, "What mommy?". I pointed to the floor. He quickly crawled under the table, retrieved the egg with his little puppy dog eyes he looks at me and says, "Mommy, my egg is broken." "We're sad Mommy". "This is just Tear-duh-ble" "This is very Tear-duh-ble", I said. "Mommy is especially sad" (I know I'm a bad mom for doing this). He said, "Well, guess I better go throw it in the trash". Am I going to hell for this one?
Ok, artsy! I have a project for you...check it out on my blog. I have gotten rid of the stuff that jammed it up.
I am calling all my talented friends to design a pink ribbon for New Mexico license plates!!
Oh girl, you crack me up!! I think I might have "accidentally" knocked the last hard boiled egg off the table too!! Love the converstations with Luke! I can't wait to have these great conv. w/Pearson! btw: I don't know the name of CarolAnn's procedure for lung fluid removal this week. When I know I'll let you know. She is doing ok, recovering and resting at home. :) Thanks for your prayers!
YES- that was horrible to break his egg!! Poor Lukey. Does he need his Auntie over there to take care of his eggs for him. Poor little Lukey!!
Nice elbows, ma'am!
I do think it was mean of you to break his egg!
Tell him the truth about Jesus and why he was nailed to the cross, and check out my blog!
Not a terrible thing to do. It would only be terrible if he saw you do it. ;)
Oh...and I agree with your sister tell him the truth about Jesus.
I told my son and daughter that he died to save us. That Jesus loved us that much. They seemed to accept that. They asked Why and I just said, because that is what he had to do.
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