
GranDee pushing Luke on the swing

Ride em' seahorse

Me and GranDee easter egg huntin'

So many eggs, so little time

Off to hunt more eggs, baskets not full yet.

Tate (Tater's what I call him) and Luke. They are in the same class at school. Don't ya just love Astronaut Tate's costume. He also has an astronaut helmet, but he didn't wear it to the egg hunt.

Auntie, Uncle and Beau Bo

Me & The "Duke" boys (Beau and Luke)

Gotta love the matching Lightening McQueen Easter baskets.
Today was Poppa and Nana's neighborhood Easter egg hunt. Too bad neither were there. Poppa had the flu and Nana was under the weather too. The boys had a blast though. Nothing like a 900 egg scramble (no pun intended). They had a lot of fun. GranDee even came to see her boy collect his eggs. Afterwards, they had cookies and punch and they on the playground. Fun was had by all. Hope everyone has a fantastic week.
Oh my gosh!
Those egg baskets are priceless! You guys look like you are having so much fun!!
Glad you had a happy weekend!!!
Glad you are back!
Must be the basket of the year! Shane has one also.
Love, Greta
Just stopped by from Michelle's blog. A lot of cuties. Thanks for the visit. Theresa
Glad your snow melted in time for the easter egg hunt! Ours will have to be indoors this year, I think! We still have big snow piles, although, the temps are supposed to be in the 40s-50s this week!
cute cute cute.
I miss doing easter egg hunts!
hey, I've been meaning to ask you- have you ever considered opening an ETSY shop for your jewelry? ETSY is like ebay for handmade gifts!
Very Cute!
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