Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Faith Creations Signage for craft show

Just wanted to get ya'll's opinions on my signage for my upcoming shows. I did a gigantic purse and had my friend embroider my logo on it. what do you think? I thought it was pretty creative, but I'm biased. Yeah, or nay!!!!


Anonymous said...

ADORABLE, Just ADORABLE! Love it, love it, love it!

Brooke said...

Simply ADORABLE!!!!!
Love it!!!
So creative!!!!!

Amber said...

Love it!

Anonymous said...

Its really pretty, did you use carpet at the bottom? That's really creative.

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Anonymous's please identify yourself. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Love the logo - the font is awesome! knowing my love for paper crafts, I always notice the fonts! Good luck on your show - Stacey

Anonymous said...

I just happened upon this by clicking "next blog" and I have to say it's a bit... ummm... busy. You might want to stick to one or two materials instead of having such a fabricfest... makes my eyes hurt.

Brooke said...

What ever anonymous! It is not busy, it is great!!!!

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

Anonymous is just a "drive by blog browser" put no weight in this persons comments. Obviously, they have no idea what I'm trying to accomplish. Go rest your eyes Anonymous.