Mickey would ring the doorbells and then immediately peek in people's windows.

Luke was scared of this lady. But, I went up with him. She was real nice, gave him some candy. Instead of saying, "Thank You" he looked at her with big wide eyes and said, "Sorry"...

An adorable lil Strawberry we passed on our trick or treating venture.

Luke was very intrigued by this skeleton. He played with it's feet and hands.

Trick or Treater of the Year pose.

Hay bailin' it with Mickey

Ohhhhhhhh....creepy spider!

GranDee, Mickey and the Scarecrow

Cowboy Beau's reaction when he saw "Polyester Poppa".

First stop on the trick or treat route: Poppa & Nana's. Nana had special treats for the boys.

We're just getting started

Scary...Somebody quick, get the straight jacket.

Cowboy Beau, "Polyester Poppa"& Mickey

Most frightening sight of the night. "Polyester Poppa" really use to wear those pants 35+ years ago. Nana even remembers the shirt he wore with them. Pretty impressive that they still fit him. He owes that svelte physique to clean livin'.

Off to the next house....

Don't mess with me partner...

The fun is about to begin....

Daddy & Mickey
"Happy Trickoween", were Luke's words to the first person who opened their door tonight to give him candy. Right before he walked right into their house... Hope you enjoy the pic's of Mickey and his Cowboy Cuzzin. Oh, and beware of the scary guy in the plaid pants, we like to call him "Polyester Poppa".
Looks like it was a blast!
My son Luke was looking at these pics with me. He said, "Was that just a REAL spider?"
Me: No.
Him: Whew!
AND HEY!!! You just won the first ever Manic Minute!!!!
I had my Luke give me a number and yours was that comment!!
Wanna play? If yes, just email me at manicmommy@comcast.net and I will have the three questions to ask you!
FUN! Hope you'll do it! (Then I'll post it later this evening!)
Hey, I like the mouse ears...and the mickey costume. Coming from a Disney freak...that means a lot!!! Hope you got lots of candy!! We did.
Luke and Beau looked so cute! I loved the story of Luke telling the lady "sorry." LOL
Polyester Papa was so funny. 'Good to see Nana up and moving!
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