Thursday, September 06, 2007

Funny things heard round these parts....

Driving home from the mall, car pulls out in front of us, slams on brakes and then turns into entrance of shopping center.

Heather: I say nothing, but am thinking #$%^&*.....
Luke: "Gosh, get outta the road, you're wearing me out!"
Heather: I laugh.

At Luke's 3 yr. well child visit yesterday. The Dr. is looking in his ear's looking for "puppy dogs".

Dr: Luke, be still while Ms. Tara looks in your ears, to see if there are any puppy dogs in there.
Luke: "There are no doggies in there, and their ain't no cows either!"
Dr./Heather: We laugh.

Combing Luke's hair to leave the house and meet our friends for a playdate. Mommy brushes and hairsprays.

Heather: Come here Luke, let me fix your hair. (Brush, spray)
Luke: "I'm cute mommy".
Heather: "Yeah, you're cute".

Me talking to Luke about who taught him "fist pop's".(you know when you bang fists with someone, think: '"Wonder Twins activate from the 80's"

Heather: Luke, tell me who taught you how to do fist pops?
Luke: "Kunkle Bwhy-hen in Cow-Uh-Wad-Oh" (Uncle Brian in CO).

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