Last Sun.-Church, decorate the craft room for VBS, run to Luke's bday party which got totally rained out...but the fun did go on. No, I never figured out how to shrink down the 85 zillion gig of pic's that Gary took to share w/ya'll. Still on the "to do" list..Rec'v call Sun. evening asking if I could forego helping w/crafts in order to be a crew leader on Mon. at VBS for someone who wasn't able to be there. I oblige.
Monday-Up at 6am (because that's what time Luke gets up now) get both of us ready for VBS. Arrive at VBS at 8 am. No teacher there to watch Luke's age kids until 8:30. Waste 30 minutes of time standing in the hallway w/10 three year old's until teacher arrives. Precious time that was suppose to be used rounding up my "crew" for VBS. Late on that, have 9 kids to be in charge of today. Monday afternoon was asked if I would now forego crafts altogether to learn 4 skits to do each of the next 4 days. I oblige...Flexibility is the name of the game I'm learning, hence no meltdown when Luke's party was a wash the previous day. Monday proves to be challenging as I practice a skit for 2 hours in the evening on top of round up gear to wear FOR the skits. Oh, I almost forgot....I had a Dr's. appt. that I accidently slept through that I was suppose to go to today at 2pm. Had to reschedule for next Mon.
Tuesday-Arrive 8 am again to VBS....same song teacher not there on time...Wait, wait. Drop Luke off and go practice skit. Perform skit a bit later and then I'm called to be a "floater" helping out in the 1 yr old room and then in the 2 year old room. Where all the kids were peeing on themselves. Even the one's who'd been potty trained for 6 mos. Luke was the major culprit peeing on the play bridge and a puddle on the floor which 2 kids slipped and fell in. Isn't toddlerhood fun. After VBS we went home to take naps. Boy did we BOTH need em'.
Wednesday-Luke wakes up in the middle of the night barfing his brains out. No VBS for either of us. I stay home with him and call and ask last minute if someone can quickly learn my skit and perform it for today. Belinda obliges. All day spent catering to cranky Winkerbean. I think he'll be better for Thurs. No such luck, sick again tonight. Daddy makes plans to stay home early morning while I go to VBS to perform skit and then come straight home so he can go on to work. That's what we do.
Thursday-Daddy plays Mr. Mom a couple hours so I can go do my skit. I return home afterwards and daddy leaves for work. I start practicing for Fri. skit. and taking care of a still ill Winkerbean who keeps telling me "mommy I sick" every 5 minutes.
Friday--Arrive at VBS 8 am....drop off Luke....teacher there, classroom locked. Leave w/friend to drop him off once the room is opened. Head to practice Friday's skit. Perform skit. Start writing (for the next 2 hours) the VBS Friday night Finale's skit to be performed tonight. Delana and I wrote it from scratch. We had to recap all 5 days skits in one 10 minute skit. You should've seen us. We were a hoot, let me tell ya. After VBS we went through Chickfila with Auntie and Beau then to our house to eat it. 2pm was our appt. at UHaul to get a trailer hitch installed for our trip to CO next week. We'll be towing 100,000 postcards up to our friends the Dunn's for The Revelation Church in Co Spgs. Auntie drops us off at UHaul and then takes us home. Mom comes over after work, takes Jason to pick up our car at UHaul now that the hitch is installed. I have to be back up at the church at 6pm for skit practice and final run through. Jason gets stuck up at the UHaul place behind like 10 people--30 minutes later he gets our vehicle. Luke had to go with mom and I up to the church since Jason wasn't home in time. We drive through the Wendy's drivethru to grab dinner. Mom watches Luke while I do skit practice and while Jason head's up to our church to pick up Luke. The handoff is made, skit is performed. Finale is over. Stay until 9:30pm to help with the cleanup and teardown of VBS props, etc.
Saturday-Up at Poppa and Nana for lunch...bday party for Luke's friend Hope at 5pm... Baby shower for my other friend Hope (just couldn't make it) home to go to bed early.
Sunday-Asked to work early service in the 2 year olds room to back up lead teacher. We oblige. Home directly after lunch at Taco Bell.
Monday-Attend rescheduled appt. that I missed last week at 1:45pm, Go to Baylor Downtown (MY FAVORITE PLACE) to visit my friend Janna who is having her daughter Laurie Jane via c-section at 7:30am., Call UHaul to arrange trailer pickup on Tuesday. Call guy to arrange pickup of 100,000 postcards on Tuesday.
Tuesday-Pack and last minute errand running, Get trailer, get postcards, pick up my contacts at optical place, to bed early.
Wednesday-Leave for Colorado Springs. Finally vacation!
Wow!!!! Whew!!! We will not keep you that busy while in CO unless you want! You need a vacation after that week! God is using your flexibility and service to Him though! I hope you are resting on this Sun. afternoon. Love ya' gal! Tell Janna congrats for me!
WOW!! I'm tired hearing it all. This past week was a very lonnnnnnnnnng one- like you had said earlier. I had a pretty hectic week myself with drama from Jeff's stuff and my job. Beau has been the least of our worries. he has just gone with the flow this week. I hope ya'll have a blast in CO. I wished I were going. I love CO!!! I'm off Tuesday- let me know if I can help with anything before ya'll leave on Wednesday.....
Oh my goodness, I looked at your blog too early and the morning and you scared me when the pictures came up. You should put a warning on this post. Just kidding.
We are just getting started ourselves with VBS and then leaving for a trip afterwards. We will keep your family in our prayers as you travel to CO. Have a great time!
TAKE ME TO CO! I will be very good! I hope you got my messages last night. I was so exhausted, and still had so much to do at home! I did 6 loads of laundry, cooked lunches for this week, took the dogs outside hundred times last night, did dishes, and cleaned up a little! Busy night!
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