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Me now, Nov 28, 2007 Size 14
with my hero, Dr. Joseph Kuhn
What a huge difference 1 year can make!
Today is my 1 year anniversary date of my weight loss surgery. Although, this year has been the hardest year of my life, due to all of the complications I've experienced as a result of my surgery I do not regret having it. I'm asked all the time, "Would you do it again?" To this I would have to answer a resounding YES. My whole reason for opting for the surgery in the first place was to get rid of diabetes. Mission Accomplished!
So... 1 year later, 1 lawsuit later, 9 surgeries later, 2.5 months in the hospital LOTS of pain pills later-- I'm alive. Thank you Jesus, I'm a walking miracle. It is a testimony to God's healing power. HE ALONE GETS ALL THE GLORY!
This journey has taken me through many ups and downs. Through it all, I'm stronger and God has taught me many things. As I reflected over the year a few lessons I've learned have come to the forefront of my mind.
1)There are people out there that are hurting WAY more than me.
2) Be sensitive and reach out with compassion to those who are hurting.
3) Encourage those who are without hope.
4) Be a light in this dark world!
5) Be thankful for every day you get to sleep in your own bed without the assistance of oxygen tanks, 11 i.v.s, catheters and round the clock narcotic pain pumps
6) Cherish every moment, as if it was your last with your child and your spouse.
7)Jesus heals!!!
Above are two pictures. One of them was done the day before my surgery last year. The other one was taken today at my 1 year followup appt. with the doctor who saved my life, Dr. Joseph Kuhn. He is a great doctor and he assembled the surgical team who helped me with my post op complications created by my cocaine-snorting previous weight loss surgeon (hence, the pending lawsuit)....I digress....
I've been asked by Dr. Kuhn to be involved in a research study, as well as allow them to use my before and after pictures for literature & websites. I gladly oblige. If I can give hope or help to someone who is in a similar situation that I was then that is what I want to do.
with my hero, Dr. Joseph Kuhn
What a huge difference 1 year can make!
Today is my 1 year anniversary date of my weight loss surgery. Although, this year has been the hardest year of my life, due to all of the complications I've experienced as a result of my surgery I do not regret having it. I'm asked all the time, "Would you do it again?" To this I would have to answer a resounding YES. My whole reason for opting for the surgery in the first place was to get rid of diabetes. Mission Accomplished!
So... 1 year later, 1 lawsuit later, 9 surgeries later, 2.5 months in the hospital LOTS of pain pills later-- I'm alive. Thank you Jesus, I'm a walking miracle. It is a testimony to God's healing power. HE ALONE GETS ALL THE GLORY!
This journey has taken me through many ups and downs. Through it all, I'm stronger and God has taught me many things. As I reflected over the year a few lessons I've learned have come to the forefront of my mind.
1)There are people out there that are hurting WAY more than me.
2) Be sensitive and reach out with compassion to those who are hurting.
3) Encourage those who are without hope.
4) Be a light in this dark world!
5) Be thankful for every day you get to sleep in your own bed without the assistance of oxygen tanks, 11 i.v.s, catheters and round the clock narcotic pain pumps
6) Cherish every moment, as if it was your last with your child and your spouse.
7)Jesus heals!!!
Above are two pictures. One of them was done the day before my surgery last year. The other one was taken today at my 1 year followup appt. with the doctor who saved my life, Dr. Joseph Kuhn. He is a great doctor and he assembled the surgical team who helped me with my post op complications created by my cocaine-snorting previous weight loss surgeon (hence, the pending lawsuit)....I digress....
I've been asked by Dr. Kuhn to be involved in a research study, as well as allow them to use my before and after pictures for literature & websites. I gladly oblige. If I can give hope or help to someone who is in a similar situation that I was then that is what I want to do.
You look amazing!
Sorry I just stumbled across your site being a "roni" and a weight loser myself. Hope you don't mind the comment.
This is amazing!
You should write articles for weight loss magazines!
My goodness - what a transformation!
This is amazing!
You should write articles for weight loss magazines!
My goodness - what a transformation!
You look great, you've been DIGI-SCRAP-ED
WOW!! I know it was a hard year, but look how much healther you look now. I'm so happy for you. God Is GREAT
You look AWESOME!!! You should be very proud of all you have been thru in the last year, you are one strong person.
wow. you look fantastic!
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