Tuesday, April 29, 2008

What's all the Buzz about....

What's all the Buzz all about this time, you may ask??? Hmmm.
Well...at this time, Daddy is sick. He must have caught mommies "germie's" from a weekend of fighting off fever's. It's my turn now to run to Wally World and buy HIM a box of Theraflu because tonight.....
He will not sleep good in a box
He will not sleep good with a fox
He will shiver, he will spew
Oh what is a sick boy to do
Without his lemon Theraflu...

So let me roar on outta here and get my motor runnin', head out on the highway....Lookin' for some action, or whatever comes my way....Like a true nature child....I am bound for the painreliever aisle.....so my husband doesn't DIE...Born to fix my OTHER child.......(daddy).

Later peeps!

Signing off from Sick-a-saurus Rex-ville

Nurse Heather


Unknown said...

Did you take all of those Buzz's out of the Buzz suitcase? Tristan knows each and every Buzz in Luke's playland! Hope you both get better SOON!! Shoulda called Pharmacia Perez, we have full stock of flu meds. Let me know chica...

Julie said...

You are so silly! Hope your husband is feeling better soon.

Trina said...

I just wish I had one little ounce of your creativity! You crack me up! Hope everyone is feeling better soon!!!

Lisa said...

HA...cute post Heather!! I hope you all are feeling better soon!!
