Tuesday, December 26, 2006

One step fwd...two steps back...

Here's the latest. Primary Dr. did blood work and chest xray. I have fluid in my lungs but not enough to be classfied as pneumonia. But enough for me to have labored breathing so I'm back on oxygen again. He referred me to a Pulmonologist also. He also questioned why my spleen was not removed when the Dr. went in to "clean out the infection". I'm thinking that this might be next step because I'm still in so much pain to be a month out on all of this. I've finised 4 bottles of Hydrocodone (don't worry I'm taking as directed as to not get addicted.) So, from here my Vascular Surgeon wants to check the filter he put in my groin the day my spleen surgery took place and I cannot find a Dr. who will even touch me about the existent spleen pain. Looks like I'm going to snuff it up and go back to the same medical group who messed this all up in the first place. I am going to request a partner take a look at me this time. I cannot stomach (no pun intended) seeing the previous Dr. who's almost killed me twice. Long story short, I am still in quite a bit of pain and am still needing help with most simple things. Thank you Jesus for my husband, family and friends. Luke is doing good he just doesn't understand when mommies boo boo is going away and he thinks popcicles are mommies medicine. More when I know more. I'm currently in a non talking mode because it takes so much energy and breath to say much if you could respect that for me right now, I'll try to keep this blog updated.



Jenny said...

I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this! I'll keep praying for you. Keep us updated as you can.

Anonymous said...

Love you, friend. You are in my constant prayers. You WILL make it through all of this....H1

Carol Ann-Gammy said...

Heather, my love and prayers continue for you. God is good and He will see you through this whole ordeal.
I so enjoyed Brian and Trina at Christmas.
So thankful, aren't we for family and friends. Don't know how I would cope without them.
Carol Ann
(Brian's mom)