Saturday, July 01, 2006

Fantasia Lusty Tower is mine

JUST FOR FUN, figure out your new stage name.....

1. Use the third letter of your first name to determine your new first name: a = Fantasia b = Chesty c = Starr d = Diamond e = Montana f = Angel g = Sugar h = Mimi i = Lola j =Kitty k = Roxie l = Dallas m = Princess n = Heidi o = Bambi p = Bunny q = Brandy r = Sugar s = Candy t = Raquelle u = Sapphire v = Cinnamon w = Blaze x = Trixie y = Isis z = Jade

2. Use the second letter of your last name to determine the first half of your new last name: a = Leather b = Dream c = Sunny d = Deep e = Heaven f = Tight g = Shimmer h = Velvet i = Lusty j = Harley k = Passion l = Dazzle m = Dixon n = Spank o = Glitter p = Razor q = Meadow r = Glitz s = Sparkle t = Sweet u = Silver v = Tickle w = Cherry x = Hard y = Night z = Amber

3. Use the third letter of your last name to determine the second half of your new last name: a = hooter b = horn c = tower d = fire e = thighs f = hips g = side h = jugs i = shock j = cocker k = brook l = tush m = sizzle n = ridge o = kiss p = bomb q = cream r = thong s = heat t = whip u = cheeks v = rock w = hiney x = button y = lick z = juice


Phat Girl said...

Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen......We have a great show for you tonight......Please help me welcome, the famous, the beautiful, the talented, Miss Princess Leather Ridge.

Jason Rice said...

Candy Lusty Tower here on center stage!

Beth said...

Geez . . . I'm Raquelle Lusty Tush.