Thursday, September 01, 2005

I had pickles.... I don't have anything real exciting to blog. Luke did have his first cheeseburger w/pickles today. He seemed to like em' too. So that's pretty exciting.

I spent much of today pondering the dire situation in New Orleans. I'm asking God to reveal to me how I can make a difference. He's calling me to help in some way, I feel it. I just need to continue to seek HIS wisdom and clarity. Those poor people in need. I can't help but think about the old saying W.W.J.D.

What WOULD Jesus Do. I firmly believe he would extend a hand of friendship and help the poor, sick, hungry, hurting and destitute. That's what he DID do. We are all part of the human race. Yeah, there are rich and there are poor but one is no better than another. We've got to help our fellow man. I believe God commands us to. More to come...I'm still pondering.


Footprint said...

and he would turn one jug of weater into a thousand so that no one would be thirsty again.
the garlic half-sours are good...

Brooke said...

Who in the world is Footprint?

I am Heather...creator of all things crafty! said...

A very interesting person to say the least. I don't know them, but looked at his blog upon receiving his strange statements. He's harmless, just "different".

Brooke said...

Ya, I looked at it to. Different is right!