Thursday, August 25, 2005

Winkerbean is on the run now!

Well it's official--Winkerbean is on the run now!

He is the king of the castle and roams where he pleases. It's been a week or so since he's been walking without stumbling. Yeah, there's still the occasional trip up, mostly when he gets distracted by something eye level while walking. For the most part he makes his way around furniture, the kitchen and foyer.

Our house now resembles Ft. Knox ain't gettin' in there. All the cabinets in the kitchen are childproofed and the stairs have a nifty little gate now. All doors to the rooms and bathroom remain closed and he basically has free reign of the house.

It's funny to watch him explore. He's extremely detail oriented (wonder where he got that?). He inspects EVERY little aspect of anything he picks up. Makes meal time real fun. He looks more like a quality control dept. sitting there in his high chair. Every chicken nugget, green bean and fruity chew has to be carefully inspected and thoroughly examined before being put in his mouth.

He's also saying lots of words these days. Momma, Dada, Nana, Hi, Bye, Uh-Oh, Beau and yest. he said the words Bye Beau together. He's such a smart boy. I also can tell he's trying to say: Heather, Thank you and Hey there. We just love him to pieces. Can you see why. I love this little stage. He's always smiling and he's so animated. He'll even offer you a piece of his inspected food for your eatting pleasure if it's meal time and your near his high chair. He think's it's funny to feed you. Too cute! Well...I'm signing off for now. I hear little monkey chirping to get out of his crib.


Amber said...

I knew it!! Beau is his favorite person. They are going to play so good together. I can't wait.

Brooke said...

work on Aunt Brooke for him to say! :>
I just love him to pieces!!!!!